"Thou shalt not be fake to themselves,

thou shalt not rush towards a moving train before reading his ticket,

thou shalt not run away from truth,

thou shalt leap to live,

trust to breathe,

love to complete 

and in the end repeat!"

Recent Post

duminică, 3 aprilie 2011


Chiar nu am 
chef azi.
De nimic.
De niciunul din voi.
De mine.
De votca. De tigari.
De haine. De vise. De sex. De somn. De soare. 
Nu am chef de nimic azi.

4 commentaires:

nu am chef azi, nu am chef azi, nu am chef de nimic ...
dar cine are?

nici eu n-am chef...dar de Chirilă n-am chef:D
se pune?:)

Traiasca Vama si lipsa de chef!